Nichole Sweeney
Instructor Trainer/Co-founder
CPR, First Aid, O2 Instructor Trainer
As I grew up I became more and more fascinated by sharks. One year my husband surprised me with open water certification for my birthday and since it is a buddy sport he signed up to get certified as well. The moment my head went under the water with a regulator in my mouth I knew I was hooked. I will never forget the first shark I saw on a dive and each and every time since I feel lucky to have the honor to be in their presence whether it is a little horn shark or a large bull shark. Along with my husband we continued our dive education and eventually both became dive instructors. I discovered that I love to teach SCUBA and lead dive trips. There is nothing more rewarding than helping others join our worldwide dive family and learn to appreciate the ocean in a whole new way.
Where my favorite place to dive is always a hard question for me to answer as every dive location has its special qualities. My current favorite warm water location with big critters is Rangiroa, French Polynesia and with macro critters is hands down Puerto Galera Philippines. For cold water my favorite is the Channel Islands (Catalina, Santa Barbara) off the coast of California.